[ 21 ] Items
Renovated Radios LLC II
rubber grommets and other parts belonging to the tuning capacitor

Philco sub-chassis supports (set of 3)
(item ch17)
Dimensions: 1-1/8"diameter, 7/8" smaller diameter, 5/16" total thickness, 3/16" hole.

Philco 46-480 dial/pushbutton Support
(item ch19)
Dimensions: 1/2" diameter, 5/16" thick, 1/16" offset groove, with a 1/4" hole, fits a 3/8" chassis hole.

Philco 690/116 sub-chassis supports (set of 3)
(item ch18)
Dimensions: 1" diameter, 3/4" smaller diameter, 7/16" total thickness , 1/4" hole.

Tuner grommet for Emerson/American Bosch/Westinghouse
(item t16)
Dimensions: 5/8" diameter, 3/8" tall, 1/4" hole, fits into a 7/16" chassis hole.

Western Air Patrol tuner support
(item t10)
Dimensions: 5/8" diameter, 1/4" high, 1/4" hole, fits a 3/8" chassis hole

Philco 38-10 tuner support
(item t11)
Dimensions: 1" long, 5/8" deep, 1/4" thick

Crosley tuner support
(item t12)
Dimensions: 9/16" diameter, 3/8" thick, 1/4" hole

Philco "Hippo" tuner support
(item t01)
Dimensions: 1/2" diameter, 11/32" smaller diameter, 5/16" thick, 3/16" hole

Philco tuner support
(item t03)
Dimensions: 5/8" larger diameter, fits into a 7/16" chassis hole, 1/4" thick, 7/32" hole

Hallicrafters tuner grommet
(item T15)
Dimensions: 5/8" diameter, 7/16" smaller diameter, 1/4" height, 3/16 hole

Philco Tuner Support
(item t04)
Dimensions: 5/8" diameter, 7/16" thick, 1/4" hole, top and bottom sections each 3/16", fits into a 7/16" chassis hole.

RCA tuner support
(item t13)
Dimensions: 3/4" diameter, 3/8" thick, 1/4" hole - Hole it fits in is 1/2”, groove is 1/16”, and lower part is 1/8” thick.

Fairbanks-Morse tuner support
(item t08)
Dimensions: 5/8" diameter, 5/16" thick, 1/16" groove, 1/4" hole

Zenith/Crosley/RCA tuner support
(item t07)
Dimensions: 3/4" diameter, thin side 1/4", thick side 5/16", groove 0.075", 1/4" hole, fits a 9/16" chassis hole.