» Store » Buttons » Philco » 1941 Philco Brown Pushbuttons

1941 Philco Brown Pushbuttons

Price: $23.00

Price is for one set of 8 push-buttons. These push-buttons are for Philco radios from 1941. Wine colored buttons were not used in 1941.

You should put a small amount of Elmer's glue or silicone adhesive on the shafts before installing the buttons. Otherwise, they may pop off when in use. Don't use a super glue or you'll never be able to remove them later if you need to.

If you purchase these, you might consider also buying the Philco Corner Chassis Mounts listed below. Usually, the old mounts are squashed and don't hold the chassis up as high as it should be causing the control shafts and buttons to not line up with the holes in the cabinet and bezel.

Dimensions: 5/8 inches long by 1/2 by 1/2 with a rectangular slot in the bottom 1/16 in. wide by 3/16 long.

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