» Store » Buttons » Detrola » Detrola / Silvertone Pushbutton

Detrola / Silvertone Pushbutton

Price: $3.00
SKU Color Price Qty.
pb17-brown brown $3.00
pb17-green green $3.00

Detrola 175E and Silvertone 7241, chassis 109-246

Push-buttons for table models listed below. They were used on both Detrolas and Silvertones. The green ones were originally made of a plastic that turned to dust with time. If yours are totally missing, they probably were the green ones. You may be missing the return springs that went behind the buttons too.

A replacement for the return springs is available at hardware stores. Hillman Group, #6 spring, #540018. Cut them in half to make two springs.


Dimensions:3/8" diameter, 3/8" tall, fits onto a 1/8" splined shaft

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